Monday, April 7, 2008

"Code Blue! Dr. Ross to the ER! Dr. Ross to the ER!" Monday Recap - Leatherheads

So...the first time I decide to put this in writing and I miss horrendously. Things I learned:

* It's one of the oldest betting axioms, always bet with your head not your heart. And I can tell you that heart sank when I walked into a barely half-full 8:20 Friday night showing. I definitely won't make the same mistake this week with Street Kings.

* The girlfriend is not in fact a bellwether. Something to be mindful of when I'm predicting the opening weekend of Sex and the City, the trailer of which puts the girlfriend into fits of apoplectic giggling and clapping.

But all in all, it wasn't too tragic. Everyone seems to have made the same mistakes, overvaluing Clooney, not factoring in 21 only dropping 37%. Who knows, maybe the experts at Variety and the LA Times listened to their girlfriends too.

Final Verdict: Leatherheads - a Kraft Lunchable, not quite a ham sandwich, but it might hold you over until dinner.

Meanwhile, 21 served up the unexpected "hey, look there's a leftover ham sandwich in the frig!" $15 million. Pretty impressive for a movie that was poorly reviewed and not well received.

Edit: Steve came up with a much better moniker, which I will now commandeer. Not a Lunchables, but in fact a half-empty bag of pigskins. Kudos, Steve.

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