Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Adventures in Philately

from April 9, 2008

I just got a letter that had just about the ugliest stamp on it that I’ve ever seen.

I mean I like Linus Pauling as much as the next guy - only person to win a Nobel Prize in Chemistry and the Nobel Peace Prize, doncha know? - but what the fuck is up with this stamp?

Linus Pauling’s swollen melon being bombarded by what appears to be raspberry danishes or kidney pies? I understand it’s hard to convey the important work he did on chemical bonds and protein structures, but what about his career would lead an artist to depict Linus sitting there smugly while urinal cakes fall from the sky? Was he sitting underneath a strawberry donut tree trying to understand the tetravalent bond when he got hit on the head and said, "Eureka! Suddenly I’ve discovered orbital hybridization?"

My apologies to those who clicked on this because they thought it was going to be about blow-jobs.

1 comment:

Dan Tedson said...

He's also famous for the line, "How about you and I go back to the lab and discover the kinetic coefficient of friction for skin?"

It only worked one time, but I was very drunk.